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5 Examples of Applying Social Media Analytics for Business

07 March 2023

Image of 5 Examples of Applying Social Media Analytics for Business

Being engaged in business in the digital era like today makes you inevitably connected with the world of social media. Apart from communicating with customers using social media, you can also run social media marketing. However, for it to work properly, you need to do social media analytics. What is it and how is it applied in business? Here's a complete explanation for you!

Understanding social media analytics
Social media analytics is the process of understanding and analyzing data on social media. Let's say you upload a few different pieces of content a week. Through data analytics, you can find out how many positive responses you have on each of your uploads. That way, in the future you can focus more on content that your target audience prefers.

How does it work?
You can find analytics on the social media you use. There are usually visible metrics, such as impressions, engagement, and content. Once you have data on these metrics, you can work with them.

5 Examples of implementing social media analytics
Then, how about an example of its application? Here are some examples for businesses to better understand social media analytics.

1. Measuring the ROI of social media marketing strategies

The main goal of getting views, likes, retweets, and shares is ROI, or the result of all the effort you put into social media accounts. Let's say you have set a goal, which is to increase brand awareness. If the goal is like that, the ROI can be measured through the growth of followers or impressions from the campaigns you are doing.

Then, how to measure ROI correctly? First, you must determine key performance indicators or often referred to as KPIs. If these indicators are not achieved, it can be said that your efforts still need to be improved. You can use tools, such as Google Analytics to adjust performance in the right direction and be more positive.

2. Help you build customer profiling

Nearly 61 percent of customers expect companies to listen to them. Through social media analytics, you can find out the preferences of customers and collect them as data for the future. Of course, you can do a survey to get an outline rather than too subjective results.

For more effective results, there are several things you can do. One way is to find a community that aligns with your company's field. From there, you can take various data that have various attributes, then combine it with your social media data to become analysis material.

3. Tools to identify the right influencers

Influencers are a marketing strategy that is quite effective in bringing in lots of customers. However, choosing the right influencer requires deep analysis. Because popular influencers alone are not enough to boost brand awareness. You have to see if the influencer has relevance to your business.

How do you find the right influencers? Of course, you can use analytics. From there, you can find influencers who can provide maximum engagement and can help your company achieve its future goals.

4. Measuring brand health in the eyes of consumers

It is undeniable that the customer's opinion of your brand is very influential on the sustainability of the company. However, you don't always know what customers are thinking. Usually, they disappear without your knowledge. Through social media analytics, you can monitor brand health in the eyes of consumers in real-time.
How to? Within the analytics, you can find the volume of subscribers responding to your content, and use that data to compare with competitors.

5. Summarize marketing costs

Every company certainly wants to spend less, especially on marketing. However, sometimes social media marketing requires large funds and only provides less than optimal results. Through social media analytics, you have the opportunity to reduce expenses and make efforts more efficient and effective.

Those are some good social media analytics applications for business continuity. You can find out customer needs and choose influencers who will have a positive impact on the company. In addition, you can reduce marketing expenses effectively and efficiently, but still with maximum results.
If you are still confused, you don't need to worry because PT VADS Indonesia is ready to assist you in managing your social media analytics. VADS Indonesia is a trusted company ready to assist you in maximizing your digital marketing efforts as well as customer experience. For more detailed information, just click here!

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